
How is the financial health of Americans changing over time?

If you are facing challenging financial stress due to the coronavirus, you are not alone. Even in 2019, before the virus, most Americans were not financially healthy according to research by the Financial Health Network https://finhealthnetwork.org/research/u-s-financial-health-pulse-2019-trends-report/?utm_source=nyt-paid-post&utm_medium=pulse-button&utm_campaign=nyt-paid-pulse“In a year-over-year analysis, the second annual U.S. Financial Health Pulse report reveals that the majority of Americans are still…

Get money smart. 25 tips to improve your financial well-being from CFPB

This is just a summary of a great website from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; it’s almost like a complete personal finance course in one place. Click here: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/get-money-smart-25-tips-improve-your-financial-well-being/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=General&utm_content=October2019 Understand where your money goes           1. Take our quiz to see how healthy your finances are. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/financial-well-being/           2. Learn where your money is coming from.          …

New Year, Fresh Start by Jonathan Clements

“WANT TO GET YOUR FINANCES headed in the right direction? Below are nine steps to take in 2017. With each step, I’ve included links to the relevant sections of HumbleDollar’s money guide.” http://www.humbledollar.com/money-guide/main-menu/Here is a summary of Jonathan Clements‘ “New Year-Fresh Start.” Read the details at: http://www.humbledollar.com/2017/01/new-year-fresh-start/1. Ask why.2. Size up your opportunities.3. Get started…

Recommended Financial Author and Newsletter

One of my favorite resources for consumer-oriented financial and investing advice is Jonathan Clements. Check out his website: http://www.jonathanclements.com/ with his excellent books. You can sign up for a monthly newsletter: http://www.jonathanclements.com/sept-2016-newsletter Source: Financial Planning for Women

10 BAD Personal Finance Myths

“Though they may seem correct on the surface, these personal finance myths could be costing you a fortune,” writes Sean Williams. 1. I don’t earn enough to save money  2. A penny saved is a penny earned 3. Assets should be allocated based on a set formula 4. Cash is king  5. I have to…