
7 Steps to Estimating Your In-Retirement Cash Flow Needs

 Like many of my posts I’m sharing links to excellent advice from other writers. Christine Benz from Morningstar offers suggestions on how to plan for spending needs in retirement.  “Ultimately, it may be difficult to forecast your actual income-replacement needs with a great deal of precision. Even as you attempt to anticipate every in-retirement expense…

Longevity Risk: World’s Oldest Person Dies at 119

 How long are you likely to live? Outliving your retirement resources is a potential risk for many Americans. Most retirement planning scenarios project a 30 year retirement span but what if you live past 100?  According to The Wall Street Journal (4/26/22), the world’s oldest verified individual, Kane Tanaka of Japan, born January 2, 1903,…

Retirement Planning Checklist

Whether the day you stop working is a decade away or around the corner, these to-do items will help you retire on your own terms. by: Sandra Block, Kiplingers, May 26, 2021 “Ideally, you should start planning for retirement the day you receive your first paycheck. But in reality, most of us don’t focus on…

Getting to Retirement: Common Sense from The Humble Dollar

“HOW DO WE GET from here to retirement? Amid the financial markets’ daily turmoil, it might seem like one big crapshoot.” “But in truth, navigating this journey is pretty straightforward, because there are just five key variables—our time horizon, current nest egg, savings rate, target nest egg and investment return.” Jonathan Clements (https://humbledollar.com/)provides solid, easy…

Retiring in a Bear Market?

No one knows when the coronavirus will subside… when financial markets will level off… when gut-wrenching volatility will settle down.What can you do as you prepare to retire?Focus on things you can control!Thanks to Wall Street Journal writer Glenn Ruffenach for this advice written in December 2018:Firm up your spending plan (aka budget).Reduce your debt.…

Stock Market Volatility

The wild swings in the financial markets are enough to scare any investor. With huge drops followed by big gains and then further drops… what is an investor to do?First let’s review what’s happening. It is NOT individual investors making buy/sell decisions that drive financial markets. It’s the computerized models of the major investment houses…

To ease stock-turmoil jitters, try these strategies

Writing for The Wall Street Journal (3/9/20), Anne Tergesen interviewed Dr. Wade Pfau, a leading investing researcher and professor at the American College of Financial Services. For investors far from retirement, there is no need to panic but now is a good time to review your asset allocation. But for those nearing or in retirement,…

Seven Days to a Better Retirement

The 7 days to retirement challenge is brought to you by The New York Times! Writer Ann Carrns explains the process and why you need to start now. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/06/business/not-yet-ready-for-retirement-give-us-one-week.html?te=1&nl=your-money&emc=edit_my_20191111?campaign_id=12&instance_id=13780&segment_id=18703&user_id=bde4c6c63beab087f13b761e1ee9fe1e&regi_id=83720664 “In the shuffle of immediate priorities, don’t push off planning for what could be the best chapter of your life. Get a week’s worth of simple…

How much do you need to retire?

The “Rule of 25” says you should multiply your total annual expenses by 25 to determine how much you’ll need to have saved by the time you retire. So if you plan to spend $50,000 per year in retirement, you’ll need to save $1.25 million. To have $100,000 per year to spend, you’ll need $2.5…