
Equifax Breach Settlement (Credit Monitoring Instructions and Activation Code)

“In September 2017, Equifax announced a massive breach had exposed the personal information of approximately 147 million people.People’s names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses — and in some instances driver’s license numbers, credit card numbers and other personal information — were compromised, putting millions of folks at risk of identity theft and other fraudulent…

DIY Credit Reports

 Experian, one of the largest credit reporting agencies, now allows consumers to create their own credit histories. About 28 million American adults don’t have credit reports with major firms and thus have difficulty getting credit. Often their only options are payday loans and other high-cost options. Many people of color, immigrants, college students, and people…

Have you ever heard of "debt parking"?

It’s ‘Debt Parking’: When Fake Debts End Up on Your Credit Report “The F.T.C. recently took its first legal action to stop the fraud. Consumers may not know the debts are on their reports until they apply for a loan.” Thanks to The New York Times writer Ann Carrns for exposing this despicable practice by…

Get your free credit reports today

Due to the unemployment and financial stresses resulting from COVID-19 Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion  provide free weekly online reports through April 2021. Go to https://www.annualcreditreport.com You will be asked for your name, address, birth date, and social security number.  If you’ve lived at your current address for less than 2 years you will be asked…

Equifax breach exposes 143 million people to identity theft

Who can you trust? No one… when a major credit bureau’s computers have been breached it’s a really frustrating situation. I discovered that my social security number is among those at risk.  Experian has set up a website where you can check if your personal info was stolen:  https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/. Also, call this phone number 866-447-7559…

Bad Credit? Here is reliable help

U.S. News & World Report created resources to improve financial literacy among consumers with bad credit. Topics include how to monitor credit scores and dispute errors, to the best and worst credit cards and how to evaluate them. U.S. News & World Report’s credit survey and guide can be viewed here: 2017 Survey of Consumers…