
Six Key Lifestyle Changes Can Help Avert the Climate Crisis

 Less Stuff, More Joy! “Take the Jump” Six Key Lifestyle Changes Can Help Avert the Climate Crisis In February the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) issued its “bleakest warning yet,” saying the climate crisis was accelerating rapidly with only a narrow chance left of avoiding its worst ravages. But don’t give up hope. Governments and…

The wisdom of frugality: Why less is more– more or less

The book The wisdom of frugality: Why less is more– more or less by Emrys Westacott. Michelle Singletary, personal finance writer for the Washington Post writes in her review of this book: “Given the number of multimillionaires tapped for Cabinet positions under President-elect Donald Trump, I wonder if frugality will soon be considered un-American.” Singletary…