
Income inequality is bad enough, but wealth inequality is way worse

“The richest 1 percent now owns more of the country’s wealth than at any time in the past 50 years.” Writing for The Washington Post, Christopher Ingraham explains:  “Today, the top 1 percent of households own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined. That gap, between the ultrawealthy and everyone else, has only become wider…

Wealth inequality is bad and getting worse

Writing May 5, 2019 in The Washington Post, economist Robert J. Samuelson explains how the gap between rich and poor is getting worse in America. It’s not about income… it’s about the incredible growing wealth disparity. The $100 trillion question: What to do about wealth? and… what is the current administration doing about the problem?…

Big Firms Pay CEOs $1 Million a Month

Writing in The Wall Street Journal (3/18/19) Theo Francis explains that job growth has helped more Americans find employment while also helping corporate CEOs earn $1 million/month. Yes, per month. According to WSJ analysis, “median compensation for 132 chief executives of S&P 500 companies reached $12.4 million in 2018, up from $11.7 million in 2017.”…

Income Inequality Explained in a Cartoon and Why the Disparity Matters (and is getting worse)

Alvin Change explains: “Something massive and important has happened in the United States over the past 50 years: Economic wealth has become increasingly concentrated among a small group of ultra-wealthy Americans.”“You can read lengthy books on this subject, like economist Thomas Piketty’s recent best-seller, Capital in the Twenty-First Century (the book runs 696 pages and…

Who is Middle Class in the US?

Although we read and hear many references to the “middle class,” there is no official definition of who qualifies as middle class. Many people assume it means a certain level of income, homeownership, and a steady income. A recent study by the Pew Research Center defined middle class in relation to the median U.S. income…