
How to deal with data breaches

 A great resource is the Identify Theft Resource Center: https://notified.idtheftcenter.org  Change your passwords as soon as you expect a data breach.  Use a password manager that generates secure passwords.  Source: Financial Planning for Women

ID theft targets children

The Wall Street Journal (by Yuka Hayashi, 8/29/18) reports that a new federal law going into effect in September 2018 will make it easier for parents to check a child’s name and freeze their credit to combat the growing problem of ID theft of children.“A child’s Social Security number can be used by identity thieves…

Equifax breach exposes 143 million people to identity theft

Who can you trust? No one… when a major credit bureau’s computers have been breached it’s a really frustrating situation. I discovered that my social security number is among those at risk.  Experian has set up a website where you can check if your personal info was stolen:  https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/. Also, call this phone number 866-447-7559…

Help for Identity Theft Victims

IdentityTheft.gov now makes it easier for victims of identity theft to report it and recover from it. New features on the site allow people to:  Get a personal recovery plan that walks them through each step Update their personal plan and tracktheir progress Print pre-filled letters & forms to send to credit bureaus, businesses, and…

Preventing and resolving Identity Theft

With 17 million Americans affected by ID theft each year, and our increasing use of the internet, the chances of being affected grow with each year. USA Today explains how to avoid becoming a victim and what to do if your identity is stolen. Far worse than ID theft is identity take over. “The scarier…