
Six Key Lifestyle Changes Can Help Avert the Climate Crisis

 Less Stuff, More Joy! “Take the Jump” Six Key Lifestyle Changes Can Help Avert the Climate Crisis In February the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) issued its “bleakest warning yet,” saying the climate crisis was accelerating rapidly with only a narrow chance left of avoiding its worst ravages. But don’t give up hope. Governments and…

How much energy are you using at home? Tips to reduce your utility bills

As we enter the heat of summer and face high electric bills for air conditioning, now is a good time to assess your energy use with the Energy Usage Calculator https://www.saveonenergy.com/energy-resources/energy-consumption/ Calculate your household energy usage The amount of electricity your household consumes each month is important. The fastest way to reduce your monthly electric…

Flying is bad for the planet: What can you do besides fly less?

Flying is one of the worst contributors to climate change. Yet Americans are flying more than ever. Granted that some flights are deemed necessary by the passenger… We recently flew from Salt Lake to Baltimore to attend my father in law’s funeral which attracted family members who flew from Chicago, St. Louis, Savannah and SLC.…