The cost of a dozen red roses escalates in February. The flowers are grown in Columbia (S. America) where the women field workers are exposed to toxic chemicals. The flowers are air-freighted to the U.S., leaving a considerable carbon footprint. Roses rarely last more than a few days before fading and wilting. What lasts longer…
Category: retirement planning; retirement; saving; IRA
Mother’s Day
Flowers, dining out, other soon-forgotten gifts for mother…. Flowers fade…. All the restaurants will be packed on Sunday; is this what you want when Covid still threatens? How about something that will last? What about an Individual Retirement Account for Mom? Whether currently employed for pay or a full-time homemaker, more than short term gifts,…
What to Consider Before Rolling Over a 401(k)
“When leaving a job, you could withdraw your retirement-plan assets—paying withdrawal fees if applicable—and spend the money (not usually a smart retirement strategy). Or you could simply leave the assets in the old plan. Or, you could transfer them into the plan at the new job, assuming transfers are allowed. Or you could roll the…
Target Date Retirement Funds: The competition heats up
Each year students in my investing class had to investigate individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and mutual funds to select the best fund for their IRA. With tight budgets, student loan payments looming after graduation, and credit card balances, saving for retirement was NOT their top priority. But after seeing examples of compound interest and how…