If you are facing challenging financial stress due to the coronavirus, you are not alone. Even in 2019, before the virus, most Americans were not financially healthy according to research by the Financial Health Network https://finhealthnetwork.org/research/u-s-financial-health-pulse-2019-trends-report/?utm_source=nyt-paid-post&utm_medium=pulse-button&utm_campaign=nyt-paid-pulse“In a year-over-year analysis, the second annual U.S. Financial Health Pulse report reveals that the majority of Americans are still…
Category: financial stress
Financial hardship and stress due to Coronavirus?
Which bills to pay during the coronavirus pandemic Government help may be weeks in coming; in the meantime your bills are due… The coronavirus pandemic has led to layoffs and financial hardships for some consumers and those who feel like they can’t pay their bills should call their bank directly, said Consumer Bankers Association spokesman…
Trump shutdown over for 3 weeks: What to do without paycheck?
FINRA offers tips on what to do when you can’t make ends meet due to job loss or being forced to work without pay (what used to be considered illegal). Job Interrupted—A To-Do List for Tough Times “Many of us can identify with the plight of the furloughed federal worker. That’s because we have experienced…