Thanks to The Middle Seat columnist for The Wall Street Journal, Scott McCartney, we know the which airlines to avoid in the future when we start flying again. And for those who are sitting with a voucher that will expire, it’s time to pressure the airlines to refund your fare.When a passenger cancels a non-refundable…
Category: consumer rights
Another example of the value of government regulation: The Card Act of 2009
Beside the obvious everyday advantages of vehicle safety regulations like requiring seat belts and air bags in vehicles, many federal laws protect consumer privacy and financial transactions. “May 22 is the 10th anniversary of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009. The game-changing CARD Act, which was passed by Congress during…
Time to leave Wells Fargo after one more scandal
It is LONG past time for consumers to leave Wells Fargo Bank after one more revelation of customer mistreatment to enhance the bottom line. This time the bank has admitted charging 570,000 of its customers for auto insurance that duplicated coverage they were already paying for, causing financial strain that resulted in many to lose…
Got credit card complaints? Call your card issuer!
“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau received more than 26,000 complaints regarding credit cards last year, with billing the most common reason. But intense competition in the industry means credit card companies can be responsive if cardholders call.” Read : Here’s proof that disputing your credit-card bill could be worth it CFPB is the consumer’s…
Reverse Mortgage Lenders Fined for Deceptive Advertising
“American Advisors Group, Reverse Mortgage Solutions and Aegean Financial are the latest names to face the wrath of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau due to deceptive advertisements in reverse mortgage lending. Collectively, the bureau ordered the three reverse mortgage lenders to pay a civil penalty of $790,000.”A reverse mortgage allows homeowners 62 and older to…
Dump Wells Fargo!
If you bank with Wells Fargo it’s time to dump that scandal-plagued institution and find another bank, or better yet, a credit union. Why would any consumer continue doing business with a bank that defrauds its customers? The scandal has been front page news in The Wall Street Journal for the past week. Bank policies…