
Launching Well: Coaching Young Professionals to Build their Financial Capability November 10, 2021 Webinar

 The CFPB and the SEC invites all undergraduate and graduate students to a webinar, on Wednesday Nov 10h from 2:00-3:00PM EDT to provide insight and resources for post-college financial well-being. Establishing a strong baseline of financial capability is essential for building long term wealth. The program will start by defining common financial and investing terms…

Wealthiest Families & the stock market

The top 5% of US households own 71% of US equities, while the top 20% of US households own 93% of US equities (source: Survey of Consumer Finances, Federal Reserve Board).  Source: Financial Planning for Women

Beware Parent Plus education loans

 “Some of the wealthiest U.S. colleges are steering parents into no-limit federal loans to cover rising tuition, leaving many poor and middle-class families with debt they can’t repay” according to T. D. Hobbs and A. Fuller reporting for the October 14, 2021 Wall Street Journal.  “Unlike undergraduate loans that have limits, there is no cap…

Financial Scams targeting Seniors… and what adult children should know

“Many financial scams specifically target seniors. Knowing what the warning signs are for each of these scams can help you avoid falling for them.”Adult children need to know how to recognize signs of scams that may target their parents… and their future inheritance.  A Senior’s Guide to Financial Scams (And How to Avoid Them) Lear:…

Want to boost your savings?

 Check out this website with plenty of suggestions to help you (or those you care about) improve their savings behaviors.  Author Carly Hallman writes:  Strategies for Saving Money “Saving money is a beneficial skill to have for several reasons. It may help stretch your paychecks further and you can also work on saving for the…

Claim the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and stimulus payments if you didn’t file income tax return

 Most Americans received stimulus payments during Coronavirus because they had filed a federal income tax return in the previous year. If you missed receiving payments because you didn’t file a tax return, there is still time to claim your payments. check out this link to the Social Security website: https://www.ssa.gov/coronavirus/eip/?utm_campaign=ocomm-eip-22&utm_content=t2-learn-more&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery A new non-filer sign-up tool…

Will you need long term care in old age?

 “Seventeen percent of 65-year-olds will need no long-term care. Almost one-quarter will develop severe needs, requiring many hours of help for more than three years.” “Most older people will fall between those poles, with 22 percent having only minimal needs. The largest group, 38 percent, can expect moderate needs — like support while they recover…

How ‘engagement’ on social media makes you vulnerable to manipulation and misinformation

 Time to rethink your use of social media?  Wonder why so many Americans are refusing to get vaccinated against Covid-19? “Our research shows that virtually all web technology platforms, such as social media and news recommendation systems, have a strong popularity bias. When applications are driven by cues like engagement rather than explicit search engine queries,…

Want a guaranteed 8% return on your retirement investments?

“If you delay Social Security by a year and instead dip into savings to cover the missed benefits, you’re effectively buying an annuity with an 8% payout. That’s a deal that’s hard to beat, as Rick Connor explains. “How do you buy an annuity from the Social Security Administration (SSA)? For each year that you…

Insurance companies no longer covering 100% of Covid costs

“The days of full covid coverage are over. Insurers are restoring deductibles and co-pays, leaving patients with big bills.” Headline in The Washington Post 9/18/21. Maybe it is time for the unvaccinated to finally get the jab to protect themselves. “In 2020, as the pandemic took hold, U.S. health insurance companies declared they would cover…