climate / energy efficiency

How much energy are you using at home? Tips to reduce your utility bills

As we enter the heat of summer and face high electric bills for air conditioning, now is a good time to assess your energy use with the Energy Usage Calculator


Calculate your household energy usage

The amount of electricity your household consumes each month is important. The fastest way to reduce your monthly electric bill is by lowering energy usage. This website will help you calculate your usage and suggest ways to reduce your energy bills.

How to reduce your electricity bill

Additional links: 

Make an Informed Decision: How to Find the Right Energy Plan for You (if you live in an area that allows you to choose your energy provider). https://www.saveonenergy.com/learning-center/post/picking-a-plan/

Energy saving tips and tricks https://www.saveonenergy.com/learning-center/post/energy-saving-tips-and-tricks-for-texans/

Energy efficiency appliances: Worth the investment? https://www.saveonenergy.com/learning-center/post/energy-efficiency-appliances/







Source: Financial Planning for Women