coronavirus / health insurance

Lost Your Health Insurance? Check out Affordable Care Act Coverage

As unemployment continues to skyrocket due to COVID-19, a new analysis shows that more than 20 million people losing job-based insurance could get a tax credit on the Affordable Care Act’s insurance exchanges.
But nearly 6 million people will not be eligible for such credits and must pay the full cost of coverage, according to the analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation released Wednesday.
A Kaiser Family Foundation analysis found that more than 20 million people who are losing employer-sponsored health coverage after losing their jobs could qualify for tax credits under the Affordable Care Act. Over 8 million could get an ACA plan through a marketplace and 12.7 million could get their plans via Medicaid, according to the analysis, based on unemployment claims filed March 1 to May 2.

Details at: https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/payer/kff-more-than-20m-newly-unemployed-could-qualify-for-aca-tax-credits
Source: Financial Planning for Women