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College Debt Resources

About 45 million Americans owe more than $1.6 trillion in student loan debts. Let those numbers sink in a moment…
And there are plenty of too-good-to-be-true offers to help out.
Where can you go for reliable help?

Federal Resources
Office of Federal Student Aid (for federal student loans) https://studentaid.gov/
provides free info on managing loans and programs like the Public Service Loan Forgiveness and income driven repayment plans. Check out their Student Loan Simulator https://studentaid.gov/loan-simulator/ to help locate the best repayment plan for individuals.

Low cost/Free resources
Forgive My Student Debt http://www.forgivemystudentdebt.org/
Higher Ed not Debt https://higherednotdebt.org/ 
National Consumer Law Center’s Student Loan Borrower Assistance Project https://www.studentloanborrowerassistance.org/
National Foundation for Credit Counseling https://www.nfcc.org/
Financial Counseling Association of America https://fcaa.org/
The Institute of Student Loan Advisors (TISLA) https://freestudentloanadvice.org/

The last 3 organizations on the list can help with a variety of credit difficulties. 
Source: Financial Planning for Women