“Investment and personal finance experts Larry Swedroe and Kevin Grogan present uniquely comprehensive coverage of every important aspect you need to think about as you approach retirement, including: Social Security, Medicare, investment planning strategy, portfolio maintenance, preparing your heirs, retirement issues faced by women, the threat of elder financial abuse, going beyond financials to think…
Day: June 17, 2020
Risk Less and Prosper: Your Guide to Safer Investing
During the market volatility brought on by the Coronavirus is a great time to read this classic book by Zvi Bodie and Rachelle Taqqu (2011). A practical guide to getting personal investing right “Somewhere along the way, something has gone very wrong with the way individuals save and invest. Too often, households are drawn in…
The Little Book of Behavioral Investing: How Not to Be Your Own Worst Enemy
I haven’t read this yet but it seems like a very timely title and approach during these times of drmatic financial market volatility.According to the Good reads website the book is : “A detailed guide to overcoming the most frequently encountered psychological pitfalls of investing Bias, emotion, and overconfidence are just three of the many…
How much of your college scholarship is taxable?
Wait! What? My scholarship money is taxable?Many students have no idea that their scholarships might be taxable.Due to the coronavirus the income tax deadline has been extended to July 15, 2020.Payments and interest on federal student loans for 6 months of relief…. So, about those scholarships and possible taxation.Any aid used for living, travel and…