“Marriage can change everything for couples– in some cases even their student-loan payments” writes Cheryl Munk for The Wall Street Journal. The media has educated us about the high costs of attending college and the massive student debt load facing many millenials and their parents. Often house buying, procreation and investing for retirement are delayed…
Month: March 2019
Buying a primary residence might not be as good of an investment as conventional wisdom suggests. However, there are still benefits — financial and otherwise — to owning a home. Writing for US News and World Report, Miranda Marquit explains the economic costs and benefits of home ownership. Like most economic analyses, the bottom line…
Big Firms Pay CEOs $1 Million a Month
Writing in The Wall Street Journal (3/18/19) Theo Francis explains that job growth has helped more Americans find employment while also helping corporate CEOs earn $1 million/month. Yes, per month. According to WSJ analysis, “median compensation for 132 chief executives of S&P 500 companies reached $12.4 million in 2018, up from $11.7 million in 2017.”…
Income Inequality Explained in a Cartoon and Why the Disparity Matters (and is getting worse)
Alvin Change explains: “Something massive and important has happened in the United States over the past 50 years: Economic wealth has become increasingly concentrated among a small group of ultra-wealthy Americans.”“You can read lengthy books on this subject, like economist Thomas Piketty’s recent best-seller, Capital in the Twenty-First Century (the book runs 696 pages and…
Wells Fargo CEO got 5% pay raise despite all the company’s anti-consumer & illegal behavior!
The Wall Street Journal (3/14/19) reports that Wells Fargo CEO Timothy Sloan received (note I did not use the verb “earned”) “$18.4 million in compensation for 2018, including a $2 million incentive award.”WOW! Can you believe #1 that level of compensation and #2 in the face of all the illegal and anti-consumer practices of that…
Get help paying for prescription drugs
“Consumers are powerless to control spiraling medication prices, but low-income, uninsured and under-insured individuals can often get help paying for their drugs. The help, in the form of subsidies or prescription price reductions, comes from four sources. The first is exclusively for seniors on Medicare, but the rest are available to everyone.”1. Medicare’s Extra Help…
How does my networth compare to other Americans?
Check out your status using the Net Worth by Age Calculator for the United States The Squared Away Blog explains: “An online tool tells you where you stand financially by stacking up your net worth against other Americans. The calculator compares a family’s net worth – financial and other assets minus debts – with all…
Maybe your financial "adviser" has been taking advantage of you
“The Securities and Exchange Commission’s program to persuade investment firms to self-report conflicts of interest has led to a settlement under which 79 firms return $125 million in fees to clients. The firms placed clients in share classes with expenses higher than those in other share classes available without disclosing that fact.” (Retirement Security SmartBrief)…
ID theft targets children
The Wall Street Journal (by Yuka Hayashi, 8/29/18) reports that a new federal law going into effect in September 2018 will make it easier for parents to check a child’s name and freeze their credit to combat the growing problem of ID theft of children.“A child’s Social Security number can be used by identity thieves…
The Medicare Debate
Health care is sure to be one of the focal points of the 2020 presidential election. While Trump is proposing substantial cuts to Medicare, Democrats are promoting variations on “Medicare for all” ranging from allowing persons 50 and older to buy into Medicare with annual premiums to more extensive plans to promote universal access to…