
Debt Collection Lawsuits

Are you facing a debt collection lawsuit? 
“In the last five years, there have been over 330,000 debt collection If you don’t respond to a lawsuit within 21 days, the judge will accept everything in the complaint as true.”
lawsuits filed in Utah. Over 98% of those sued don’t hire an attorney. And most don’t file a response.

This is where SoloSuit comes in!

“SoloSuit asks a few simple questions about your case. Based on your answers, Solosuit prepares a response and instructs you on how to file. Responding to a lawsuit is the first step in defending yourself. SoloSuit can help you take that step and guide you to additional resources when you’re done.”
“The software used by SoloSuit was developed by LawX, the legal design lab at BYU Law School.” 
The website provides links to other debt related resources. Get help today from the SoloSuit website: http://www.solosuit.com/about
Thanks to Brigham young University law students for developing this helpful tool and to Jessica Miller writing for The Salt Lake Tribune for reporting this story (1/31/18).

Source: Financial Planning for Women