health care / Long Term Care / retiree health costs / veterans

Older Veterans Often Miss Out on Long-Term-Care Benefits

“Many older war-era veterans and surviving spouses over the age of 65 across America are missing out on a major element in securing their retirements: the Aid and Attendance benefit for long-term care.”
“The Aid and Attendance benefit is available to veterans and their spouses to help offset recurring medical costs and some of the costs for home care and assisted living care. This is a benefit for senior veterans who served during wartime—World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam and the Gulf War—for at least 90 days of active duty and who are 65 or older, as well as their surviving spouses. It doesn’t matter if the veteran served stateside or internationally, saw combat or didn’t, was wounded or wasn’t. If the veteran’s doctor—not a VA doctor—affirms the veteran or spouse needs assistance, then he or she may be eligible for Aid and Attendance, regardless of Social Security, Medicare, pensions or other benefits.” Get the details by Kevin Richards at: http://www.kiplinger.com/article/insurance/T036-C032-S014-older-veterans-miss-out-long-term-care-benefits.html
Source: Financial Planning for Women