
Don’t be put off by high sticker price of private colleges

“Phillip Levine is breaking down a barrier: the well-founded fear among low-income and even middle-class families that an elite liberal arts college is out of the question.” Levine, a professor at Welleseley College, “designed a calculator to estimate how much an individual applicant will actually pay, after plugging in his or her family’s unique financial…

Analyze My Divorce Settlement

“Analyze My Divorce Settlement calculates how each spouse will fare financially under any proposed divorce agreement entered into the program.  This software gets to the bottom line—how much each spouse will have to spend  based on the details in a specific divorce agreement. For households and professionals.” Visit analyzemydivorcesettlement.com to learn more. Source: Financial Planning…

How to Create a Retirement Plan in 15 Minutes

Writing for the Motley Fool, Wendy Connick explains that this 5 step process “will work for the majority of savers to ensure that they have enough funds for a comfortable retirement.” Step one: Set aside 15% of your income Step two: Put your retirement savings into a tax-deferred retirement account Step three: Put the money…

The latest internet scam

“Your love of a good deal could be a deal breaker. Fake gift cards and coupons for Lowe’s, Bed Bath & Beyond, Home Depot, Target and IKEA (phew!) have infiltrated the internet. On Facebook, the phishing scam is taking the form of a $50 coupon for Lowe’s and a $75 one for Bed Bath &…

A great tutorial on Medicare

Kiplinger’s just published an excellent article “FAQs about Medicare” by Kimberly Langford. It is mandatory reading for persons approaching age 65 as well as a great refresher for those already on Medicare. Check out: http://www.kiplinger.com/article/insurance/T027-C000-S002-faqs-about-medicare.htmlFor a much more detailed explanation of the complexities of Medicare I highly recommend the book  Medicare Demystified: A physician helps…