The consumer-price index jumped 7.5% in January compared to a year earlier, its steepest rise since February 1982, the Labor Department reported. The core price index, which excludes energy and food prices, rose 6% year over year, also marking a nearly 40-year high. Savings accounts are paying far less than 1%. It’s time to check…
Day: February 15, 2022
RMDs: An IRS Change is Making Them Smaller in 2022
The way you calculate your required minimum distribution (RMD) just changed. “The methodology of calculating your required minimum distribution (RMD) is rather simple. Your yearly RMD is calculated using a formula based on the IRS’ Uniform Lifetime Table. Basically, this table estimates the maximum number of years (also known as distribution periods) your retirement account…
College Scorecard: Find the right higher ed fit for you
The Department of Education’s College Scorecard website is designed to help you find the best higher education institution for your needs. You can ask to “Show me Options” to search nearby schools, institutions where most students graduate, and other options. Search “Fields of Study” to find the best institution for your career goals. Already…