“The richest 1 percent now owns more of the country’s wealth than at any time in the past 50 years.” Writing for The Washington Post, Christopher Ingraham explains: “Today, the top 1 percent of households own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent combined. That gap, between the ultrawealthy and everyone else, has only become wider…
Day: November 30, 2020
Getting to Retirement: Common Sense from The Humble Dollar
“HOW DO WE GET from here to retirement? Amid the financial markets’ daily turmoil, it might seem like one big crapshoot.” “But in truth, navigating this journey is pretty straightforward, because there are just five key variables—our time horizon, current nest egg, savings rate, target nest egg and investment return.” Jonathan Clements (https://humbledollar.com/)provides solid, easy…
How to avoid dementia and How dementia affects finances
Dementia may cause major financial problems long before diagnosis, making early detection critical “Deteriorating financial capabilities have long been considered one of the earliest signs of cognitive decline.” New research published Monday “suggests that adverse financial events associated with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, or ADRD, can start happening years before people are clinically diagnosed.”…